Four digital trends that are reshaping the tourism industry

Changing expectations from guests, automation of operations, a radical transformation of sales-marketing activities and regulatory compliance - four trends that require significant digital development for businesses in the tourism industry. In practice, these include hotel services that can be managed from the guest's phone, smart cookies that produce food safety reports, room rates that can be updated online minute by minute, and digital guest identification. To achieve them, serious planning, a professional partner and resources are needed.


China plans a technological breakthrough in the transport sector by 2035

China's Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Science and Technology is planning major improvements in the transport sector by 2035. The Communication calls for the transport sector to self-regulate key technologies and develop a technological innovation system to build a strong transport network by 2035.


Community for innovative tourism in Hungary! - The Digital Tourism Association has started its work

The Digital Tourism Association, Hungary's first association dedicated to the digitalisation of the tourism and communication sector, has started its activities. There are many opportunities for prospective members, which we have summarised in this article.
The Digital Tourism Association is dedicated to organising the domestic tourism community and proactively moving towards digital innovation and development. To achieve this vision, it plans to deploy a wide range of tools from 2023 onwards. We have summarised the key opportunities for the launch of the Alliance.
Our goal is to build a community with the professional presence of the most important and most innovative domestic and international players in the tourism sector, which will help us to actively support the development and digitalization of tourism in Hungary." said Dávid Rasztovits, President of the Digital Tourism Association.

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